July 11, 2012

Summer Mealtime: I ♥ HEART!

Have I told you that we're participating in our Public Library's Summer Reading Program? Yep! And we decided to pursue on making our meals inspired by every book we read for the record. We figured it's a great way to connect with the book.  Not only that, but it helps retain the lesson of each story. An absolute wonderful learning tool for the kids and adults alike.

For this post, I have decided to make lunches from the book, 
"The Magic School Bus Has A Heart".

In this book, Ms. Frizzle's class is learning about the heart.  They are going to see a movie, but they end up on a heart-pounding adventure when Keesha trips and falls.  The class learned the circulatory system in Keesha's body, just before they went for the movie, and celebrated her birthday.

For sissy, I made a heart-shaped sandwiches of Nutella and SunButter, 
and strawberry hearts for her breakfast.
My son is never a fan of Nutella and PBs, so I gave in to his request
of Lucky Charms with milk (not shown), and strawberry hearts.
There are more strawberry hearts on the side dish,
waiting for him in the event that he needs more.

I hope you enjoyed this post.
Have a lovely Wednesday!
