August 6, 2012

Summer Mealtime: Home Sweet Home

My creativity with food doesn't come on a daily basis.  It's mostly triggered when my kids asked for it...especially on summer when I don't bento everyday. 

My kids were mostly home with me on summer days. Unlike others who were on camp or summer recreational activities, I kept mine at home to enjoy the flexibility of our schedule. We just hit the road anytime we want without having to suffer the "summer slide."

I homeschool for the most part of Summer. I guess, I'm quite gifted with that. I'm equipped with a lot of resources to teach my kids with what to expect for the coming academic year. We schedule playdates...and we swim on Sundays. On free days, we spend them cuddled up with books to read and stories to retell. At times, we sit on our garden bench just eating.
Nectarines, ham deli, hard-boiled egg and Chobani Yogurt.
Today is one of those days. The weather is hot and dry. We thought to refreshen with some fruits and deli, eggs and Chobani Greek Yogurt.  A mid-day snack that's quite aplenty, which we normally don't do.
My hard-boiled egg with a house shape made
by a mini cookie cutter.
I thought of making use of my mini-cutters this time, rather than let it rot in my storage bin. It looked very cute on hard-boiled eggs. At least my children appreciated it more than I did.  Though she's hoping for a Hello Kitty bento next time. Perhaps I can do it for her once I get the needed supplies. So I'm crossing my fingers for that.

I hope you enjoyed this post.
Enjoy the rest of your summer!!
