September 17, 2012

School Lunches: Cracker Bento

One of my children's favorite lunches would be the Cracker Bento.  It's been inspired by the Lunchables' Cracker Meals, except it's a healthier home-made version. Now, why do you think we prefer to make them than to purchase pre-packed meals?
For so many reasons.

My 4th grader has outgrown his pickiness when it comes to food after
I started to pack school lunches for him last Fall. You can give him anything
and he'll come back with an empty Easy Lunchboxes and a happy tummy.

1. Portion Control 
It's easier to adjust portion according to your children's appetite. For bigger children, you can always add more crackers and deli or add a variety of fruits for a more fulfilling meal. For younger kids, you can always pack a little bit of everything so they get the nutrients they need.  Just enough that will fill them up.

2. Personal choice of sides
My children differ with their choices of treats for their lunches. If you've been following my blog, you would notice that I normally post separately for both kids since they have different school lunches for the most part of the week. He loves vanilla, while she opts for chocolate. He eats all kind of fruits, while she prefers only grapes and strawberries. He's vegetarian, she's not. Just imagine if we have the store-bought ones, there would be a lot of food wastes. Stuffs that they don't eat would surely go to waste.

This an example of Portion Control, Appealing Lunches with a personal touch,
personal choice of sides.  Missy A doesn't like cheeses so she doesn't
get one. Since she's having a difficult time eating while chatting at lunchtime,
everything sent were in bite-sized pieces, skewered into food picks.
3. Personal choice of ingredients (for allergy-friendly meals)
We don't have any food allergy-issues at home, but we observe them for other kids in their school. I have seen children with anaphylaxis reaction to certain food groups, and I'd hate to be a contributor to this aspect.  My children are aware of those allergies and how it directly affects them, so I raised them to be concerned citizens.

4. Appealing Presentation with a Personal Touch
I always love preparing my children's meals with a personal touch. I like showing them how much I love them thru my bento work of art. He once told me that he's proud to be my son because he's friends talk about his lunches in a good way.  Teachers have known me to be so detailed with almost everything, and were surprised to see his lunches to school.  A matter of fact, I was given the invitation to do school lunches for purchase.  I would just have to figure out cost and portion size. 

5. Packed on reusable containers (Mother Earth friendly)
If all else would pack lunches to work and school, we could have done Mother Earth a huge favor. We could help reduce wastes at landfills by reusing recyclable lunchboxes.  There are tons of choices. The options are yours.

I hope you love today's post.