September 13, 2012

School Lunches: Puzzled Turkey & Cheddar Sammies

Today's school lunch was courtesy of The Lunch Punch Match & Munch Set
I had a great opportunity to be able to try out the Lunch Punch for the very first time.  I just knew this would encourage my not-so-sandwich-eater kid to give sandwiches a try for school lunches.  Somehow this saves extra time and effort making appealing sammies for the day.  And I could tell that this is his favorite sandwich cutter from our personally hand-picked collections.  He actually asked for seconds when he came back home. 
Turkey and Cheddar sammies with Goldfishes, Black Grapes, and
corn & sweat peas medley. Lunch packed on Easy Lunchboxes
I don't usually get offers from companies to try out products.  I personally contacted them and requested. I selected them according to what my children would love to see on their lunches.  I give them the freedom to choose coz it's for them.  But I have to carefully screen each selections to make sure it's suited for its purpose.

Since I had troubles feeding my picky eaters with sandwiches, I figured I have to make them appealing to get accepted.  Recently, I contacted The Lunch Punch to request 2 of their most popular cutters for review, which will be seen on my blog, used and enjoyed all throughout the year.  I will be reviewing each and every cutter in each set, as I use them.

On my lunch today, I made use of 4-piece side puzzle.  They are pretty easy to cut through breads. Just a few rocking back and forth. You just have to be careful when pushing the puzzle pieces out as some corner parts may get caught on the smaller curvatures and tear. I ease them out with the help of a spoon handle. Even my 5 year old can use them with glee.

The Match & Munch Set includes 4 kinds of puzzle cutters:

  • 2-piece puzzle
  • 4-piece corner puzzle
  • 4-piece side puzzle
  • 2-piece inner and side puzzle
You can actually make an infinitely giant party puzzles out of these several shapes.  Instructions on their website can be found here.  You will need an Adobe Acrobat Reader to view this instruction.
Disclaimer:  The Match & Munch Cutter Set along with the other cutters were provided by the makers of the Lunch Punch, with no obligations to review or promote on my blog. Review was done under my sole discretion. Cutter image & instructions to make a party puzzle sandwiches are copyrighted and courtesy of the Lunch Punch.