May 4, 2013

May the 4th Be With U: A Star Wars Bento HOP

Welcome to the DARK Side!

May the 4th is a day dedicated especially for Star Wars.  Or should I say in the GEEK World, May 4th is Star Wars Day.  My family is a huge Star Wars fanatic, and so does my fellow Bento Bloggers and Friends. I must admit I'm the lesser fan amongst them all, coz they know all the rightful terminologies associated with Star Wars and I simply lack the capability to store that in my system. I can watch the film over and over, but not absorb the needed force to be a true Jedi.  So pardon me for anything not suitable you might find on my post.  I deserve to be corrected should I misled you.

My fellow BBF (Bento Bloggers & Friends) are once again doing another bento hop.  This time in 2 groups of 16-17 participants, so as not to overwhelm you hopping from one lunch to another.  Consider yourselves forewarned, our bento madness can become addicting but fun.  So beware!

Since this hop falls on a Saturday, I thought of making a surprise big breakfast for my kiddos. Big breakfast for us mean a combination of carbo, protein, dairy and fruits.  Today is a big day for Mr G coz he's trying out for the Swim Meet this morning.  Keeping our fingers crossed that he'll make it to the team.

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The kids were very excited of this big breakfast. I had to prepare them the night before because of a busy morning schedule ahead of us today. I served them buttered apple cinnamon pancakes with a maple syrup on the pink cup, all-natural hotdog where Darth Vader sat with the Jedi's light sabers on their quest to defeat him.  They also had hard-boiled eggs with the Sith Logo and Storm Trooper Cuties oranges.

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Mr G reacted on this lunch. He said that Darth Vader has a Red Saber.  He neither has blue nor green. So I had to explain to him that they were the Jedi's.  He loves the cheese cut-out though.  He thinks its cool.

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How did I make this? Since I am not an awesome food artist, I researched considerably for Star Wars logos, than faces. I sketched and pre-cut on parchment paper, traced on cheese and cut. The logo on the egg was drawn by an all-natural food-safe writer. 

I originally made an onigiri lunch for this hop, but I messed up the nori decals.  So I did the easy way out, and prepared an appropriate meal for the kiddos this morning.

Next stop is Sarah of Bentoriffic.  Let's see what she has served her girls for this hop. Please push the button below, that you might find at the beginning, middle, or end of each post, to teleport you to the next portal of entree - either the DARK or LIGHT Side. The Best of Luck!!

May the 4th Be With You Blog Hop

Once you've completed the hop...

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I hope you had a wonderful time hopping from one entree to another.  We're happy to have you around as always!  Please jot me a comment, it will surely bring cheers :)

Have a fun and wonderful Star Wars Bento Hop!!

All bento accessories are available through Bento USA,
the cheapest and most complete online bento products in the USA.

Other bento gears are also available thru My Amazon Affiliate Link.
Thank you for your support!