March 31, 2015

Almonds: The Health Benefits

Allergy-friendly, Gluten-Free, Healthy & Safe

Almonds is one of the most nutritious snacks with a low caloric content.  One of the healthiest choices especially for families with allergen sensitivity issues, and individuals with medical history of chronic diseases and cancer.  Not just that, but also for any individuals who choose to live a healthy life.

Why Almonds?

Almonds is one of the top choices because of its several nutritional benefits that can contribute to healthy lifestyle.  Primarily, they are a good source of:

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  • Vitamin E, which is an antioxidant that contributes for the formation of healthy blood cells and tissues.
  • Folic Acid, keeps the neural tubes healthy especially on pregnancy.
  • Protein, which is necessary for healthy muscles, blood and organs. 
  • Fiber, a good source that aids in the cleansing of the digestive system.
  • Iron helps carry oxygen to all of the body's cells and organs.
  • Zinc, which aids in wound healing and is involved in protein metabolism. It is also important in the development of the reproductive system.
  • Copper, which helps carry oxygen throughout the body and helps keep bones, blood vessels and nerves healthy.
  • Magnesium is used in building bones, making protein, releasing energy from muscles and regulating body temperature. It's also needed for calcium and potassium balance in the body.
  • Phosphorous is the second most abundant mineral in the body. It helps build strong bones and teeth, and helps the body uses protein, fat and carbohydrate.
  • Pytochemicals have protective or disease preventive properties.

What are the Health Benefits of Almonds?
  1. It reduces the risk for chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.
  2. It reduces the risk of birth defects.
  3. It is a good source of energy.
  4. It prevents constipation, diverticulosis, colon and rectal cancer.
  5. It lowers ‘bad’ cholesterol level and improve blood sugar control.
  6. It protects arterial damage.
  7. It helps build strong bones and teeth.
  8. It provides healthy fats and aid in weight loss.
How do we incorporate Almonds in our diet?

Easy! I have partnered with to raise awareness of the important health benefits of almonds in our diets.  If you are new to almonds incorporating into your diet, you can get ideas from their site with a wide variety of almond products such as:
  • Almond Flour, as substitute to regular whole wheat or all-purpose flour used for baking.
  • Almond Milk, as substitute to regular whole milk.  It is especially best for families with dairy and gluten allergies.
  • Almond Butter, used for sandwich spreads, especially used by families with peanut allergies and have gluten-free diets.
  • Almond Paste, used for cakes
  • Chocolates with Almonds
  • Almonds covered with chocolates, yogurts and other delectable delights that will surely entice your little ones at home.
My family are chocoholics.  Chocolate is a good medium when incorporating anything new to our diet.  Chocolate covered almonds is a huge hit in our household, which we love mixing it with other stuffs we love when making trail mixes for school, movie nights and road trips. For added fun, we coat our own almonds with the kind of chocolate flavor we love.  Almond butter is next when making sandwiches for after school snacks.  And when kids are tired of regular milk, I give them almond milk as a treat. We love almonds!

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