September 6, 2012

School Lunches: Chicken Nuggets Saved the Day

You must be wondering why chicken nuggets saved our day. Well, today's lunch was supposed to be a Chicken Salad, but due to my girl's dislike of mayonnaise, she opted for something else but the salad I prepared. Glad I still have frozen chicken nuggets leftover from the time I made it. So I baked it in the oven for a quick 10 minutes, and packed these lunches instead. I wonder if you ever get this kind of days. This solved the dilemma I had this morning.
So Missy A had 3 chicken nugget pieces with her favorite BBQ sauce, and a skewered purple grapes. Like yesterday, she requested for her Oatmeal Raisin Cookie which she calls the "Cinnamon Cookie" for her mid-morning recess.  She's been requesting me to pack it on her Easy Lunchboxes, but wondered how can I make them fit snugly? Her appetite is just as big as the sandwich containers. Perhaps I can find a way once the mini-dippers arrived.
Mr G had the same except for a corn on the cob sliced into three since he just lost a lower cuspid. He got kiwis and Chex Mix as treats.  For his mid-morning snack, he brought with him some rice krispies and a bottle of freshly squeezed orange juice. All packed in his favorite Easy Lunchboxes.