October 8, 2012

K-Bento: PB on Mini Cinnamon Toasts & A Recipe

Missy A has a budding inclination towards cinnamons lately.  She adores the cinnamon toast waffles to the point that she requested it for school.  We bought the one by Eggo and my children went crazy over them. A package of 10 mini waffles all gone in a single eating.  So we have to purchase more to pack for the following day's lunch.

Monday's lunch was crazy.  She had peanut butter filled mini cinnamon toast waffles, pretzels with chocolate dip on that tiny pink condiment cup, and red grapes packed on our favorite box, The Easy Lunchboxes.  Little did I know that most of her friends are into it.  She was overwhelmed by friends who's been asking for a bite.  She gave a few of everything and just ate a piece of the waffle and closed her lunchbox.  Poor girl! This must be really good. She finished eating in the car and was glad that lunchtime was over. I decided to pack more of this next time. But this time with a tried and tested recipe that I found on allrecipe.com.  I just needed to tweak measurements a bit and added some more ingredients to pass my budding kids' test.  But so far, it's the best tasting waffle recipe I've found and tried. 
Missy A's snack is a mandarin orange and a juice pouch packed in a Smart Planet Eco Collapsible Lunch Container.  A review and a giveaway will be done shortly.  Make sure you subscribe via email, Facebook or Twitter to get instant notifications.
Recipe courtesy and adapted from allrecipe.com
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