Today we explored The Little China Town at the city of Los Angeles.
The kids weren't up to going to the park, zoo, museums or an amusement park today so we opted for an educational tour instead. We showed them China this time!
Okay, let me re-phrase that. We toured them in ChinaTown at LA.
They got so excited! They thought we were boarding a plane to get there.
Funny!! A little disappointed when they learned we were rather driving. But both were still hoping for the best to come.
It took about over 30 minutes to get there without any signs of traffic on freeways. Parking was a breeze considering it was a holiday and it was still early.
Great I thought since I'd be able to photograph nicely without interruptions.
We found these lovely infrastructure over there. I was breathless and impressed. And so were my kids. If you haven't been to China, this might be a decent representation of the country. Or perhaps of a little town.

More of China Town below!

Then we saw tons of macaroni shells scattered on the ground, which the kids had fun stepping on them and making sounds. It resembled a sound of a fire cracker. And this pretty much pre-occupied time while waiting for the stores to open to shop.
The stores opened quite late.
We decided to eat first at Mandarin Plaza.
Dimsum and tea as usual.
I love this bread. It has a sweet-filling that is perhaps made of custard.
I would normally pass on breads, but this is absolutely delicious!
I ate 2/3 of it :)

The first batch of our dimsum:
5 orders of Ha-gaw (Shrimp Balls), which all went to our children's little tummies.
chicken legs
Spare ribs
Beef balls
Red Bean Cake
My children's all-time favorite.
Dimsum will never be complete without all these kinds of balls
{shrimp balls, meat balls & shumai}.
Our second batch of dimsum never made it to my blog. Dimsum is so overwhelming. The veggies just came one by one and were distributed to each ones' plate so fast too. Would you even believe that they serve hamburgers too? My son ordered for one, with an expectation of a decent-tasting burger. And it wasn't good of course. He said it was bland. My husband was brave enough to try it out too, and said it has a radish on it that's why. Oh well, lesson learned! Next time never order an American dish from a Chinese Restaurant coz it wouldn't be the same like Americans does it.
See you on our next food trip!