June 15, 2012

Out & About

Our mornings were spent on the road mostly with several appointments my dad was hooked up this day.  I got to drive him so the kids had to come. I thought yesterday would be my last day to pack lunches.  I guess once you've started, you can never stop. Normally we would just lounge in a restaurant/fast food for breakfast and lunch.  But with dad's health issues, we just have to be cautious on what he eats. 
These were what I packed for the kids since we left pretty early with their eyes still closed.  I purposely packed hefty to last till pre-lunch.  Just in case. Each one had 2 hotdogs (sliced), apple slices, corn kernels, brownies and ketchup on smidgets. My boy had a doggie lunch pick, while my girl had a kitty lunch pick.
My dad and I each had Tuna Salad Sandwich and apple halves. It was meant for breakfast only after his laboratory tests since dad was on 12H fasting.  And we just ate home after all his appointments were done.