November 1, 2012

Day 1: Thank You for November


It's November! It is time to give thanks.
I thought of posting daily stuffs that I am mostly thankful for, 
which made me survive the day.

I thank for November because it is the birth month of my mother, who is responsible for my existence. I miss her so much since we live a million miles away. We moved to California after marriage to start a family. We visit once in a while, but it's not the same that I can just see and talk to her anytime the need arises.

November is also a month that bridges October to December. 
So without it, it wouldn't complete the calendar year. I love November because it's the time of the year that allows us to reflect on our lives and be thankful for what we have and appreciate the simple blessings we get on a daily basis.
I packed turkey octo-dogs for their school lunch, as I reminisced the days mom prepared hotdogs for breakfast each school days.  Bento wasn't known at our household back then, but she'd packed home-cooked school lunches for us too every single day.

Missy A had octodogs with crackers and ketchup on the pink condiment cup.
I made use of Starbucks plastic coffee stirrers for my watermelon kebabs.  I love using these because they're not sharp and safe to use around smaller children in school.  So if you're a coffee sipper, you might want to save this pretty little stirrers that could make lunch packing fun and exciting.
Mr G. had a similar lunch except that he has his octodogs sitting on a sandy ocean bed (fried rice with scrambled eggs), with ketchup on the blue condiment cup, and watermelon.  All packed on our favorite, The Easy Lunchboxes.

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