November 16, 2012

Day 11: Thank you for MRM

"What is MRM?" you might ask?
Well, it is short for Most Requested Meals.
I must admit that there were days when menu planning with kids just don't work at all.  We plan and shop ahead, but there were just menus we call Flavor of the Month.  And no matter what's set for the day, they  just refuse it and request for their cravings instead. Chicken Nuggets and Gyoza are a few of them. I confess that Mr G has been asking for Momables' Chicken Nuggets Recipe for 3 consecutive days already and has not refused them a single day.  It's just simply his favorite, and he could tell the difference between a Momables' creation from those not.

While Mr G has the inclination towards Chix Nuggets, Missy A prefers the combo of gyoza and black vinegar, whenever and wherever.  It's one of those meal that never comes back home. All we get is a clean lunchbox without a trace of it, but the leftover dip.

So why am I thankful for MRM?  It is because they fill in the lunchboxes everytime my menus won't work for the day.  It's my survival kit to picky eaters when those days come, which often do.

So just imagine what my freezer holds mostly?  Nothing but the kids' favorites and some of ours. I have to make them on weekends and store them in several batches for easy grabs when they're up for requests.

So tell me, what are your children's favorites that you pack mostly for school?

Have a wonderful lunch ahead!

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