Eating More Whole Grains
This entire week would be eating more whole grains
as per Healthy Eats' Healthy Every week Challenge.
I will be featuring different grains each day as I pack school lunches.
Whatever my son brings is basically what I pack for my hubby to work as well,
and what my daughter and I eat at home before I send her to preschool.
Whole Wheat Monday:
Whole wheat Spaghetti Noodles with Tomato, Basil, Rosemary & Garlic Sauce,
Corned Tuesday:
This seems to be an overkill of corn, but I have to give in to his request. So I packed corn on a cob sliced in bite-sizes, organic sweet baby carrots, corn tortilla chips with cheese dip (on smidget), Nature's Child Berry Squeeze, and fruit rollups.
Brown Rice Sushi Love Wednesday:
This seems to be an overkill of corn, but I have to give in to his request. So I packed corn on a cob sliced in bite-sizes, organic sweet baby carrots, corn tortilla chips with cheese dip (on smidget), Nature's Child Berry Squeeze, and fruit rollups.
We must never forget that corn is a whole grain.
It is the easiest item to pack so I try not to miss it when he calls for a change.
Popcorn is a great snack after school too.
So you might wanna try that as well.
Studies show that popcorn has a significant beneficial effects on teeth,
as compared to chips.
Brown Rice, spam, shredded carrots sushi rolls, strawberry hearts, mango stars and cherry tomatoes.
My daughter had a similar bento to this that we fixed before she left for her afternoon Pre-K session. If you haven't seen it, you may hop with me from here.
My rice turned out so washed out that looked like a white rice. I wish I could have taken another picture, which I normally do if one didn't turn out great. Oh well, here's to let you know that using brown rice on sushi rolls gives off a great tasting rolls as well. My kids love them and doesn't fuzz at all. I told them it's healthier and would keep the doctor away. And they were so sold on that :)
Picnic Bento for Thursday
My daughter had a similar bento to this that we fixed before she left for her afternoon Pre-K session. If you haven't seen it, you may hop with me from here.
My rice turned out so washed out that looked like a white rice. I wish I could have taken another picture, which I normally do if one didn't turn out great. Oh well, here's to let you know that using brown rice on sushi rolls gives off a great tasting rolls as well. My kids love them and doesn't fuzz at all. I told them it's healthier and would keep the doctor away. And they were so sold on that :)
Picnic Bento for Thursday
WW crackers, hotdogs on wooden foodpicks, butterfly cheddar cheeses,
corn kernels, red globe grapes.
Above is her lunch at home before preschool. A smiley lunch for a cheerful girl. She does eat her share of whole grains as well, corn with raisins, and a little chocolate chip cookie treats on the side. She's not a fan of cheese, so there are no butterflies for her. She had a calcium-fortified orange juice instead. It could have been better with those cute lunch picks, huh?
Pizza Party Friday
Today, his school had a picnic lunch with everyone at the school grounds. Blankets were laid all over the grasses for students to sit with the everyone else, eating their packed lunches at the same time. SO I have to make his lunch as "picnic-friendly" as possible.
A note was sent home the day before not to bring any packed meals to school today. They won a fundraiser event in school for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. They came in 2nd to raise the most coins--"Pennies for Patients." And they were treated for a PIZZA PARTY! Exclusively for their class only. And I was so excited I got invited to help.

Also, it's Teacher's Appreciation Week,
so we brought it in some treats for each of their homeroom teachers.
My boy has 1, while my daughter has 2.
We made some home-made Oatmeal Choco-Raisin Cookies.
A yummy healthy treat for the best.
I hope you enjoyed this post!